Sunday Times 7th March 1999 - Property Section "Art Deco returns to fashion...Industrial buildings from the 1930s are being rediscovered as the raw material for stylish apartments...Laboratory Building in Islington has been completely restored by Berkeley Homes, including the original light fittings, and converted into 35 one- and two-bed apartments. The 1930s theme is continued inside the flats, with retro-style kitchens with brushed aluminium fittings, Art Deco style bedrooms and mirror-fronted wardrobes. Prices start at £135,000..."

Sunday Times 21st March 1999 - Style Section "London Design Week - Many designs are reminiscent of the 1920s and 1930s, the height of Hollywood glamour.."

Sunday Times 7th November 1999 - Style Section "Good design will eventually pass the test of time, of course - but meanwhile it will pass in and out of fashion. The pieces designed by Marcel Breuer in the 1930s for the Isokon furniture company have long been regarded as modern classics. Now, with the revival of modernism, they look so contemporary that they might have been designed yesterday."

Sunday Times 21st November 1999 - Style Section "The mood is 1930s starlet, all satin, chrome and mother-of-pearl. And the sleek contours and sugar-coated colours...darling, they're simply gorgeous. Lucy Dummer takes a peek at the art deco revival through lilac-tinted glasses."
